Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sky TV Installation = Shattered Nerves

One of the most stressful things I had to do was figure how which internet provider to go for. I don't watch much TV or talk on the phone, but I'm online almost all the time so I decided to pick the best internet provider and then get a bundle package for phone and TV with them. There were several to choose from such as BT and Sky, but after doing some research and polling people at J's work, we decided to go with Sky.

When we put in our order, we had to pick a TV install date, which was pretty much as soon as we wanted. However, the install date for phone and internet depended on the TV install date we selected, and the nearest date was three weeks away from the time of our order.

The Sky TV engineer came out to the flat on Friday, and let me tell you, they make them work for their money. Back in the States, your apartment is usually already pre-wired either for cable or satellite, and the guy shows up with a box and flips some switches and boom, you've got ESPN. I wasn't quite sure what the TV installer would be doing, and I asked him if I had to do anything to prepare for his visit when he called the night before to confirm my appointment time. He told me that I didn't need to do anything except be there. Okay, I could definitely do that.

So the guy shows up, and I'm thinking he's going to install a mini-satellite somewhere (I'm not quite sure where), and then I'll have a box in my house that'll receive the signal. Ha, if only it were that easy. First, he told me that he needed to access the roof. A tricky proposition since there are flats above me, and I have no idea how to access the roof. After a failed attempt at going through a skylight with a too-short ladder, I spoke with the builders who were fortunately still working on the basement of the building. The builders gave him access to the roof through another flat, and the guy went scrambling up our sloping roof. Right now, I'm just hoping he doesn't break his neck cause I don't know what to do with a broken TV engineer. The site manager is with me, and he's more worried that he'll break one of the original slate roof tiles.

I'm not quite sure what he did up there, but the engineer returned with both neck and tiles intact and a thick black cable in his hand. This, he informed me, needs to get into my flat somehow to where the Sky box will be. He dropped the cable down the front of the building, and then we trooped back down to the flat. Then he calls his colleague, who shows up with a drill and a bit that's about the length of my arm. At this point, I'm freaking out. The Sky website never mentioned anything about a drill. He casually informs me that he's going to drill a hole through my window sash to snake the cable into the flat. I'm trying not to cry and can't stop thinking, bye bye deposit. But at least now I get to watch endless reruns of Friends. Yay for me [insert sarcastic cheer here].

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