Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Casper At Home

It's been two and half months since Casper joined our little family, and we still haven't fully settled into a routine. He's good about falling asleep when we go to bed, and he's almost completely stopped treating J as a walking, talking chew toy, but the mornings are still a bit rough.

Casper falls asleep wherever he wants, which is usually on the bathroom floor mat (I couldn't imagine a stranger place) or at the foot of our bed. Unfortunately, he wakes up way before we do, and he likes to have company in the mornings. He's tapped J on the shoulder to wake him up, jumped on top of my head, and if all else fails, meows and meows until I have to get up and shut him out of the bedroom.

But it's all worth it with all the fun we have with him. Especially when the tables are flipped, and we get to mess with him when he's trying to sleep.

But he got his revenge this morning when I went to the bedroom after my morning coffee to make the bed. Comfy, much?