Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Kids Are Alright

Okay, I've been incommunicado for a while now, and it's because we're still waiting for our internet and phone line to be installed. The countdown is at 5 days, and I've become surprisingly zen about the whole thing. It was an absolute nightmare at first, but I've actually acclimated to not having internet at my fingertips. It shouldn't have been as hard as it seemed at first, especially since we didn't have internet until I was in high school, but it's kind of scary how vital it's become. I remember checking my email about every five minutes or so, but now I'm okay with just checking it twice a week or so.

Bad news is that I can't communicate with people back in the States and let them know that everything's alright. So here it is: everything is alright. We're fed, warm and healthy. J is super busy at work (but what else is new?), and I've immersed myself in household chores ever since I've discovered the haberdashers (another post to follow).

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