Sunday, September 12, 2010

Loving London Weather

Everyone warned me that one of the worst things about living in London was the weather - perpetually raining, damp and cold. They just assumed that since I was coming from southern California, I'd be shocked by the lack of sunshine and seeing people lay out when it's only 62 degrees outside. What they forgot is that I spent three years in Michigan, and if I could survive the winters there, London would be a cinch. Shoot, I was one of those people laying out in the quad when it was 62 degrees outside after a particularly bitter and long Midwestern winter.

The thing I'm loving about the weather is that the forecast will show lots of rain to come, and people will get all gloomy and proclaim that summer is over. And every time they do that, you get a gorgeous day like today where the sky is a clear cerulean blue with a few harmless scattered clouds. Summer may be over, but the weather's never been better since I've arrived.

Now, if only I can get J out of the office...

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