Sunday, September 5, 2010

London Diet Effect, My Ass

Let me clarify, my big fat ass. Cause that's what I have now, a big fat ass. *Sigh*

Before we left for London, I spent most of my time eating all the yummy food that I wouldn't be able to get in London such as awesome Korean and Mexican food. My reasoning for the big pigout was that I'd just walk it all off in London. Weight loss without effort, ta-da! I read all about it - women who had trouble losing weight, then moved to London, and the pounds (aka stones) just melted right off.

So the plan worked perfectly for the first week, where J and I spent five hours a day walking everywhere. Formerly tight pants loosened, and I didn't have to do squats after my jeans came out of the wash to combat the shrinkage from high heat drying. And then J went to work. And I stayed home. And then I discovered M&S Simply Food goodies. Damn Colin the Caterpillar and Percy the Pig jelly treats! Formerly tight pants that had loosened shriveled right up. Now this is bad, really bad, especially since the jeans don't go in the dryer anymore, and I can't tell myself that the dryer had shrunk them. And I've developed this annoying little habit of two packs of Twix a day. Oops.

This walking about the city is definitely not doing anything. I guess this makes sense since I used to eat only health food and run at least four miles a day and lifted weights before we moved to London, and now I walk about a bit and eat junk all the time when I'm not lolling about on my air mattress.

I'm steeling myself for a junk food detox starting today, and I had my farewell candy bar and cheesecake an hour ago. It's back to health food 24/7 for me, and I'm actually looking forward to it. As good as candy can be, feeling bloated and pudge is definitely not fun and fabulous.  And as a twenty-something, I think that's what I'm supposed to be striving for. Again, oops.

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