Wednesday, August 25, 2010

It's Too Early for Philosophical Questions

I may have mentioned a time or ten that we're moving into our new flat next week so I'm gearing up for the big move and trying to get everything all set up and running before our move. Only thing is, our flat does not exist. Well, physically, it does - it's got the walls, the floors, the roof and everything that you would normally think constitute a pretty nice crash pad. And I don't think we're paying the exorbitant rent to live in a place that doesn't exist but in our wildest dreams.

The Royal Mail and utilities providers beg to differ. I don't get it; haven't they read Descartes?

I don't know much about our flat except that the whole building was pretty much redone. I don't know what it was before, and I never thought to ask, but in order to get water to our flat, we need to answer the following questions:

"If the property has recently been converted, please could you confirm the following details:
    • The exact date the property was converted from
    • Confirm the number of properties which now exist
    • The mailing address and floor number of each property
    • The names of each occupier and the date they moved in
    • Number of bedrooms in each property
    • The number of occupiers in each property
    • If any water meters were fitted, their location, serial number and who installed them
If you are also able to provide us with the landlord/owner details, we would be grateful.
I look forward to hearing from you."

Dude, I don't know. If I tried to find out, I'm sure someone would call the cops on me for exhibiting stalkerish behavior.

Basically, no one recognizes our flat as an actual address so I'm kind of stuck as to how to proceed. It's funny, I never thought this would be a problem. When we were preparing to move, I read all about how difficult it is to find a flat since there is no centralized renting agency. We found a flat in two days flat, but I never came across an article entitled, "What to do when your flat doesn't exist, but it does."

My head hurts.

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