Friday, January 3, 2014

Kitty Update

I got some very sad news today. The vet came back with the results on Kitty's biopsies, and it turns out her growths were carcinomas. The prognosis is looking quite poor at the moment. With chemotherapy, she will have another 6 months and only 3 months if she doesn't have any treatment at all.

I've been steeling myself for bad news ever since we took her in for surgery; expect the worst and hope for the best, right? Now that I know how bad it is, I've got to decide what to do. I'm inclined to let her live out the rest of her time with us in peace. She's such a nervous and skittish cat that a trip to the vet is traumatic, and I can't imagine doing that to her on a weekly basis. I don't think it makes sense to prolong her life so she can keep making vet visits. I don't know. This is so hard.

I never really thought about Kitty dying, and I certainly never imagined how it would happen. I suppose I thought that she would just slow down and peacefully go to sleep one day without waking up. Or maybe she would just go on living forever. 

I've had her since I was 16 years old, and she's seen me through high school, college, law school, a few major break ups, and a wedding. She moved in with me to my first apartment. She's flown with me from San Francisco to LA, she's driven with me from OC to LA and from Berkeley to Cupertino. She helped me make the transition from rowdy teenager to married adult. She was there through it all. 

No matter if I have Casper or if I ever have a baby, Kitty will always be the first I tried to care for as best as I knew how. I hope I did right by her. I beat myself up for not bringing her to London when we moved here, but it was originally meant to be a temporary move, and everyone agreed that the flight would be too much for her. I'm still not sure if I made the right decision.

Ideally, I'm going to try to fly back to LA in March to say goodbye to her in case she doesn't hold out until my next scheduled visit in July. J suggested flying her out here once she's fully recovered from her surgery so I can keep a close eye on her and make her as comfortable as possible. I haven't ruled that out, but I'd like to speak with the vet and my family first to decide what's best for Kitty.

So to all the pet-owners, give them lots of hugs and kisses. You both deserve it.

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