Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Around Town

I'm pretty smug about the fact that I finished most of my Christmas shopping before Thanksgiving, which is a good thing since our Christmas list is a mile long! The added bonus is that it gives me time to enjoy the run-up to the holidays without panicking about what to buy everyone. 

I still have a few odds and ends to pick up, which means I'm venturing out around town despite the cold weather that's settled in to stay. I don't mind since it's a good opportunity to see some of the Christmasy things that have popped up for the occasion.

We went to Selfridges this past weekend and saw this 3D printing pop up shop next to the jewellery department. You step into this booth where they scan your body and print out a mini 3D version of you! I was this close to getting a mini-me made for my parents, but the £159 price tag convinced me otherwise. But I haven't ruled out having one made for J's office so that he can never escape me. Muahahaha.


We also went to brunch with some friends at Caravan behind King's Cross station, which is a great tapas restaurant that also serves the best coffee in town. A simple thing, but I liked that they decorated the trees in the plaza.


Not exactly a Christmas thing, but there's a giant St. Bernard that lives in our neighbourhood. He seemed ancient when we first saw him 3 1/2 years ago, but he's still around and roaming the hood. Unfortunately, he was whimpering from an earache yesterday. He normally lolls about on the pavement, but his dad got him a sofa to lay down on while he's sick. Lucky dog.


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