The worst part of each day is deciding each morning where to go. There's a literal riot of things that we could see or do in London, and making a decision where to spend the day is getting agonizing.
We don't know what J's work schedule will look like, so we're trying to take full advantage of his time off before he starts work on Monday, which means we had a jam-packed schedule for the last week. We finally pooped out on Friday, and basically slept all day to recover from the week's activities. We were up for maybe 5 hours total that day, but it was totally worth it since we woke up fresh and ready to attack yet another London landmark today. Apparently, so did everyone else.
We decided on the Natural History Museum after hemming and hawing for about an hour. After J heard about its dinosaurs, there was no turning back. The museum itself is absolutely beautiful, and it houses some of the most beautiful stuffed birds that I've ever seen. There was even an antique hummingbird display that housed at least 200 hummingbirds shown mid-flight. The thing was about 200 years old, and the hummingbirds weren't even dusty. Other notable birds on display were the bald eagle, snowy owl, ostrich, dodo, and a variety of vultures, just to name a few.
Except it was raining. A lot. And it hurt. Photo by Stephen Tom. |
You can't see the dirty brats, but they're there. Like cockroaches. Photo by Sharon. |
It's like My Little Pony. Except it's a Dodo. Photo by Drow Male. |
We also made our way through the geological exhibit, which showed a variety of rocks, gems and minerals - all of them amazing and awe-inspiring.
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Kinda glad I didn't wear my engagement ring. Photo by Andrew Bossi. |
And of course, there was the dinosaur exhibit, but I couldn't enjoy it for all the parents with prams ramming them into the back of my legs. I even saw a seven year old sitting in his stroller, kicking his legs furiously, and the parents were completely oblivious to the fact that he was kicking everyone in his path. It would be wrong to kick a seven year old back, right? Even though he was bigger than me?
Come here little children. That's right, right into my sharp dagger-like claws... Photo by Cezary P. |
We didn't see all the exhibitions that were on display, but the beauty of actually living in London as opposed to just visiting means that we could always return any time, which I definitely will. I was overstimulated to the point where anything more beautiful or amazing would've hit me like shovel hitting wet cement. I wouldn't have felt a thing.
We decided to walk to the Whole Foods on High Street Kensington afterward, and that would've ordinarily been a nice walk, but for the rain. The gentle drizzle that first greeted us when we left the museum had turned into a full on rain beat down by the time we reached Whole Foods, and J looked like he was taking part in a wet T-shirt contest in his white shirt.
Grocery shopping was pleasant, but the main thing that's driving me nuts is that I can't find Splenda anywhere, including Whole Foods. I've seen it online, but all they have are Splenda tablets. Like medication. That's weird. So we did something bad. We saw some Splenda packets at the restaurant at the Natural History Museum, and we took them. And we took the ones from the table next to us too. What a girl will do for some artificial sweetener...
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