Thursday, November 17, 2011

Work Widow

It's been a crazy few weeks for J and I as we're both putting in long hours at the office.

J doesn't really have much of a choice, but I'm putting in the long hours voluntarily since I may as well earn some extra pocket money while J's working and can't go gallivanting with me. To be fair, I really shouldn't be complaining since I'm literally working half the hours that J's working (100+) at a job that's 1/10th as hard. Don't go to law school, kids.

But still...

It would be nice to not have to ask the question "are you coming home tonight?" every night. It would be nice to have breakfast together. And it would be nice to go grocery shopping and stop by the news agent for the latest magazines and do the million other mundane things that make up every day life together.

Until then, my days consist of pretty much of the following:

Take the Tube to work...

Get bored at work and look out the window at this...

And then leave when it looks something like this...

I guess that's not the most accurate portrayal since it gets dark around 4pm now, but that's a whole different kettle of fish I'd like to complain about. Upcoming post "Who Stole the Daylight?" coming to a blog near you.

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