Sunday, August 14, 2011

Run and Repeat

The Royal Parks half marathon is only 9 weeks away now, and I've been freaking out about how close it's getting. I've got two week-long holidays planned between now and the race, and I've been worried that it'll impact my training and I won't be running as much as I should. I don't just want to finish it, I want to run it under 2 hours, so I have the added pressure of becoming a faster runner in that time. Oh, and did I mention that I also signed up for a 10K race on September 4?

I've been running home most days from work, but those tend to just be commuter runs - the sole purpose is to get home in one piece, not to run faster or improve my endurance. Whereas, preparing for the half-marathon requires me to do both.  Poo.

So it was with great trepidation that I headed out to the park today for my "long" run. I didn't have a specific goal in mind, just longer than 7.5 miles would've been good for me. I took the first four miles really slowly and sped up a bit for the following miles until I wrapped up my run at 8.3 miles.

I felt great at the end of my run, and I probably could've even gone farther, but I didn't want to push myself too hard too fast and risk getting injured. It was the first time I felt confident that I could actually do this thing, and I'm actually looking forward to my next long run - I'm thinking around 9.5 or 10 miles or so? Fingers crossed.

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