Wednesday, July 2, 2014

A Cat's Life

The face of a killer.

There are no screens on any of the windows here, which means that all sorts of winged insects fly into our flat whenever we so much as crack our windows during th summer. Ew. Fear no more, killer cat is here! Casper loves nothing more than chasing a fly around our flat, and he's getting disgustingly good at actually catching them. I've had to pry flies out of his mouth (gross,gross,gross!), and I found a fly the other day with its legs pried off and resting a few inches away. So it turns out Casper's a sadistic killer. Seems about right.

I'm actually pretty happy about the fly chasing since that's about all the exercise he gets.

Don't be fooled. He just sits there. And he obviously looks extremely bewildered by this whole exercise notion. Cause most of the time, he's doing this...

That's right, he's managed to gnaw a hole through his bag of food to make himself a little snack hole. The diet is not going well. Sigh.

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