Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Baking Away the Blahs

We've been having a bit of a cold snap, so J and I have been spending most of our time indoors. It doesn't help that our entire building is swaddled in scaffolding and tarps so this is our view when we look out the window:


So J's been happily watching cooking shows on TV...


While I've been doing actual cooking in the kitchen. Baking the same old banana bread and cookies can get pretty boring so I thought I'd experiment a bit, especially since my little brother's getting married this summer and I was thinking of perhaps making the wedding favours if I could come up with something halfway decent.

I've been watching lots of YouTube videos and here's what I've come up with so far:

Stacked cookies that look like mini wedding cakes...

Piped wedding cookies...

Cupcakes with piped two-tone roses...

J's been more than happy to help dispose of the rejects, and we've been gorging on deformed cookies and cakes, which means I've been spending a lot of time on this...


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