Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Not that I believe in the holiday or anything, but it's nice to hope that everyone has a little extra love in their life today.  J and I are not celebrating, since I think it's kind of a fake holiday requiring poor guys to shell out for overpriced flowers and chocolate. Besides, every day is a bit like Valentine's with J (you can stop gagging now). Our big Valentine's Day plans are to eat chili and watch Glee re-runs at home. Besides, we covered the basics - J bought me flowers on Friday and I baked him chocolate brownies last night. =)

I haven't been really good about blogging lately because there just isn't that much going on right now. The weather is still cold and gray, and I'm still prepping for my half-marathon coming up in 3 weeks (eek!). I'm running about 5-6 miles a day now, and I'm happy to report that I have not gotten crapped on by any birds lately. Thank God for small blessings.

We did go to a party last Friday that was thrown by J's group at work. I was dreading it a bit - I wasn't quite sure what to wear, and how much fun could a bunch of lawyers in a room could be? Turns out, a lot! No one really talked about work (thank goodness), and everyone turned out to be American expats.

Pretty much everyone's married, and none of the lawyers' wives work. That was pretty awesome, because I hate going to parties where I'm the only wife that's not working. The conversation inevitably turns to Hollywood gossip, because the others figure that's about as much as my pea-sized brain can handle. Not so this time - we're all unemployed, yay! I was a bit surprised that I'm the one who probably works the most, and it's only as a contract attorney. Which makes me very curious as to what they do most of the time... I suppose I may find out this weekend, since they suggested getting together for drinks sometime this week.

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