We weren't quite ready to leave Pereira, but it was time to head back to the airport and fly to Cartagena for my cousin's wedding!
There were no direct flights to Cartagena, so we had to fly back to Bogota and then on to Cartagena, which meant another full day of traveling. Whew. However, we arrived in Cartagena in one piece, and we were hit with the shock of landing on the tarmac at Cartagena airport. It was so hot and humid that it felt like we just entered a giant gym sock.
I started sweating right away, and we were beyond relieved to find the driver that our cousin had arranged for us. Our hotel, Casa San Agustin, was just a short distance away, and it was probably the poshest of all of our accommodations so far.
I started sweating right away again as soon as we got out of the air-conditioned car, but the hotel lobby was a bit cooler. The welcome drink really helped!
We got upgraded for the night for an incredible room, which was bigger than our flat in London! It was a two bedroom, two bathroom suite with double terraces and a jacuzzi! The place was filled with flowers, fruit, and patisserie. I got a bit worried about how I was ever going to get J to leave the room.
My older brother and sister-in-law had also arrived in Cartagena that day, and they came over to meet us at the hotel so we could have dinner together. The hotel restaurant was fantastic, and it was the tail-end of their honeymoon so we got to hear all about their visit to St. Lucia. It was really nice catching up with them, especially since J hadn't been able to go to their wedding.
We couldn't stay up too late, as we had to wake up early for the boat cruise that our cousin had arranged for all of the wedding guests. We woke up in plenty of time to have some coffee and slather on some sunblock before we all headed outside to walk outside the city walls to head toward our boat. I probably should've waited to put on the sunblock as I think I sweated it off by the time we got to our boat, along with five pounds of water weight.
I'll admit that I was a bit disappointed that this wasn't our ride for the day. I have a feeling I would've made a good pirate.
But the actual yacht more than made up for it. We had an hour long cruise to get to our final destination, and we got the chance to hang out with the rest of my cousins who had also come to Cartagena for the wedding.
Before we knew it, we were pulling up to Baru Island for the day on a dinghy. The change in the water was dramatic and sudden - it went from dark blue to a clear turquoise!
We were immediately greeted by a barrage of beach vendors pressing necklaces and oysters on us. They were pretty aggressive, but we were forewarned so we did our best to let them know that we weren't interested. It was pretty annoying for the first hour or so we were there as they kept coming by with trinkets and whatnot, and it actually put me off of buying anything even if I did want something.
Everyone jumped into the water as soon as possible and didn't come out until it was time for lunch.

Then it was straight back into the water until it was time to set sail back to Cartagena just in time to catch the sunset from the boat. It was pretty epic.

Then it was straight back into the water until it was time to set sail back to Cartagena just in time to catch the sunset from the boat. It was pretty epic.
We were all pretty sunburned and exhausted by the time we got back to the hotel, but we had to wash up so we could head out to rehearsal dinner, which our cousin opened up to all of the wedding guests. We enjoyed posto while watching the local dancers perform for us with lots of costume changes and live music. It was great fun!

J got off pretty easy as it was our five year wedding anniversary, and he didn't have to plan a thing for us to have an absolutely amazing day! I still can't believe we've been married for that long, but time really does fly when you're having fun! In that time, we've moved to London, bought and sold our first home, seen a lot of things in a lot of different places, and added two furballs to our family. J made partner at his firm, and I'm finishing up pastry school. Life has been so incredibly good to the both of us, and I'm unbelievably thankful for everything.