I was the token American, and it was the US apparently that gave birth to the idea of a baby shower so I was responsible for knowing what was supposed to happen. Since this was a first for me, I thought it'd be nice if we stuck to the basic idea that we all show up and bring baby presents for the expectant mother. Works for me! Since we are in the UK, we had a traditional afternoon tea to celebrate.
I guess we had the tea in the nick of time because the baby arrived soon afterwards, three weeks before his due date! I was fortunate enough to be one of his first visitors, and he was either yawning or sleeping during my visit. I had never seen anything so small and so stinking cute!
Since work is slowing down again, I spent Monday playing hooky from the office and visited S and the baby. I missed celebrating S's birthday, so I baked some cupcakes for her to enjoy.
I couldn't send J empty-handed to the office so he got a batch to share with his workmates as well. I wonder what happened to the sixth one??? ;)
It was so nice seeing the baby again, and this time I wasn't too scared to hold him. I've never held anything so small and so breakable before so I was a bit terrified at first but I got the hang of it pretty quick. I had too much fun cuddling him and joggling him, and it was hilarious because he was awake and made the cutest faces if I paused mid-joggle.
Now that my work project is on hold and possibly coming to an end, I suppose it's time to decide what to do next. Find another project? Maybe go to pastry school? Things are a bit unclear at the moment, so I'll probably be puttering around the kitchen and back to running at the park since it looks like the cold snap is finally coming to an end. Hallelujah!